Challenge 7- Purchases,Inventory And Sales!
So here we are for another instalment of the Enterprise DNA challenge.
It’s been an awesome few weeks and we’ve have had some amazing submissions across the board. We are covering some serious ground in terms of scenarios and industries not to mention the sharing of ideas, tips, tricks and approaches.
So here it is all the 7th instalment of the EDNA challenge.
Remember its open to everyone so don’t be afraid to get stuck in.
To learn more about the challenge and how it works be sure to check out the forum below!
If you’re not sure of anything just reach out to me.
Remember: The weekly winner will receive a complimentary membership to the platform that they can share with anyone and the opportunity for your work to be showcased across our channels. There is also a newcomer category with some great prizes on offer so be sure to get involved.
So this weeks challenge comes at the request of a user who has emailed in an idea.
After reviewing with the team we feel there is a great opportunity here for us to learn from what is a typical scenario faced by many businesses in various industries
Things are going to be a little different this week. The ask is very specific you must stick to it as best you can.
There are 3 datasets coming from their own respective sources.
Purchases-This data shows us the date that our business raised a purchase order for a particular product and the amount of the product.
Receiving- This when we as a company took stock of the materials, we have ordered e.g. the products arrived in our warehouse.
Billing-This is the transactional data of what we sold to which customer.
The ask is to produce a single page summary that gives us the below insight into our business.
There are 3 key things we want to see:
- From us placing a purchase order what is the time elapsed before we receive the goods into our warehouse
- From us receiving goods what is the time elapsed before we are billing for the goods
- Analyse the Billing
Note: Remember that the data is coming from three different sources so there is no existing keys or relationships between the tables
SUBMISSION DUE DATE - Sunday, 27th September 2020 (PST)
Please can you all submit your PBIX files to
The data set can be downloaded below.
Data Challenge 7.xlsx (141.5 KB)
Best of luck!
Any issues or questions please reach out.
Enterprise DNA