Hi All,
Trust you are keeping well.
Another challenge draws to a close and it was an epic effort by all those involved with the standard of reports being outstanding.
This week’s challenge scenario may have scared away a few participants as it wasn’t the easiest however there was still a vast array of entries on display all tackling the scenario in their own unique way providing an excellent learning opportunity for all Enterprise DNA members and associates.
No two developers are alike and its important that we appreciate our own strengths however having an appreciation and understanding of how others are tackling the problems is a real opportunity to accelerate and enhance your own arsenal.
Over the course of this challenge the forum thread has been a cauldron of excellent tips, tricks, recommendations, approaches, encouragement and feedback. I would highly recommend that you take the time out and just review the thread for this latest challenge so you can see for yourself. I can say without a doubt that just reviewing the thread for the challenge will provide you with some excellent takeaways and learning opportunities.
I can’t emphasise enough the importance of implementing the knowledge and material that you learn. We at Enterprise DNA believe that there is no better way than tackling problems as a way of embedding knowledge and upskilling.
We always aim to ensure that there is something in every challenge for everyone, whether you’re an expert or a newbie you will find that there is always an opportunity to learn. I would encourage you all to get involved, it doesn’t need to be an all singing and dancing entry but rather focus on the areas that you are trying to learn. Power Query, Dax, Modelling, Visualisations take your pick and focus on an area where you are trying to improve.
We really want to get as many as you involved as possible and as always there are some great prizes on offer. There is also a newcomer category courtesy of our own @Brianj an excellent initiative.
The challenges are all about you and helping you on your journey to becoming a world class Power BI professional therefor if there is anything on your mind around the challenges regarding feedback, improvements or anything else then we’d love to hear from you so don’t hesitate to get in touch!
The winner
I can honestly say it was a tough week to judge the difficulty of the challenge meant that the number of submissions was a little lower this week however the submissions were all done to very, very good standard.
The thought and effort that has gone behind every single entry this challenge was refreshing to see.
I wouldn’t say judging the challenges is an easy feat and I’m sure it’s not a task many of you envy. However while judging is never easy I can confidently say that while reviewing my sleeves seem to have got very heavy with the amount of takeaways for my own work.
A massive well done to all of you and a big thank you from Enterprise DNA for participating.
The winner this week was…….@BrianJ a truly epic entry that covered the brief and some. The approach taken to model the data was the key to his report and the some of the visualisations he was able to pull together as a result. I would definitely checkout his timeline visual which was awesome. In order to address the one-page brief there was some excellent use of an array tooltips techniques. A well-rounded report powered by a super model. Congratulations @Brianj an excellent entry and deserved winner.

Brain was pushed all the way by @Greg,@alexbadiu who had some brilliant entries of their own.
@Greg report was meticulously put together and the user experience was brilliant, details such as hover on navigations and bounce on the buttons cant be ignored, there was also excellent use of narrative which just enhanced the flow of the report and provided a real edge.
@alexbadiu was also a very well thought out design and approach not only from a visual sense of what’s on the page but the way he has envisioned his users to interact with the report. As with Brian’s report Alex used tooltips to great effect. The pareto analysis was also a great choice for centring his analysis.
There were elements in every single entry that I liked so a massive well done to all participants.
I could sit here and write some general feedback however I want to call out the great write ups that have been accompanying the submissions. Seriously there have been some epic write ups across the board and I would highly suggest that you go away and read the thoughts and processes that went behind some of these excellent submissions. We always encourage participants to do a write up and share their thoughts, so I just want to call out the efforts of all involved.
If there is anything you can do over the weekend to enhance your Power BI training, then I would suggest you take some time out and just review the thread for this week’s challenge and read the writeups associated with entries. I can guarantee that you will be a better analyst for it.
It’s been fun reviewing the submissions and I hope there was something to take away for everyone involved.
Truly appreciate the effort you guys are putting into this.
The challenge is all about you and enhancing your capabilities. if you have any ideas, concerns, issues or anything else you want to discuss then don’t hesitate to get in touch.
If there is an idea or scenario that you would like to see posted then don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Feel free to email powerbichallenge@enterprisedna.co for any queries or reach out to me personally on haroon.ali@enterprisedna.co
Ok that’s enough from me.
Keep your eyes peeled for challenge 8 its going to be epic and is covering a scenario that will come across the desk of many if not all analysts.
Speak Soon,
Enterprise DNA