New Enterprise DNA Initiative Sneak Preview: Problem of the Week


OK, looks interesting – what’s this all about?

This is a new initiative we’re starting this week, focused on helping you strengthen your DAX and Power Query skills. Here’s how it will work:

  • On the first Wednesday of every month, we will post a DAX-based, real-world problem for you to solve on the Enterprise DNA forum.
  • On the second Wednesday of each month, we will post the solution on the forum, and also post a video on YouTube where one of the Enterprise DNA experts will walk through how they solved the problem. We will also encourage members to chime in on the forum thread, discussing alternative ways they solved the problem.
  • On the third Wednesday of each month, we will post a similar type of problem on the forum, but this time the problem will be Power Query-based.
  • And finally, on the fourth Wednesday of each month, we will again post the solution on the forum and on YouTube, but this time with a different expert walking through their solution, followed by subsequent community discussion on the forum.

This same cycle will then repeat each month.

What types of problems will be posted?

The subjects will cover a wide range, but the common thread will be practical, real-world problems using DAX and Power Query functions you likely already know but applying them in creative ways. The problems will range in difficulty, but mostly be geared toward the intermediate level. Our goal is to make them interesting and challenging, but not onerous – approximately the same level of effort you might expend doing the Sunday crossword puzzle.

How many experts will be participating in developing problems and providing solutions?

This is the best part in my opinion – we currently have nine Enterprise DNA experts participating, each with very diverse experiences, areas of expertise and thought processes. By leveraging that diversity, you will reap the benefit of hearing many different approaches. Our aim is to focus not so much on the technical functions themselves, but more on the thought processes that each expert goes through and how they break down and solve complex problems like this. We hope that by participating in this sort of structured practice, you will increase your own ability to creatively solve difficult problems, both in DAX and Power Query.

So, there’s no competitive aspect to this?

Nope – just a collaborative community learning opportunity.

So, no prizes?

Well, actually like youth soccer there will be (small) prizes for participation. Each round, five participants will be drawn at random and will receive a cool vinyl laptop sticker, identifying you as an Enterprise DNA Problem Solver:


What do I need to do to be eligible for the drawing?

When you complete the problem for that week, just send an email with your name and mailing address to

Do I need to be an Enterprise DNA member to participate and be entered for the drawing?

Nope – nonmembers are welcome to participate and will be entered into the drawing as well, per above.

Will the problems and the videos also be available on the portal site?

Yes, they will. This will allow you to go back over any problems that you might have missed, or any that you originally had difficulty with and want to revisit after your skills have increased. We will also place the relevant measure(s) and M code in the Analyst Hub Community space, to allow you to download and reuse the code in your own analyses and reports.

What if I have a real-world problem that I think would make a good Problem of the Week topic?

By all means, please send it to us at If we use your idea, we’ll shout you out in the forum post and the video, and also send you a Problem Solver laptop sticker to say thanks.

Okay I’m in, what do I do next?

Keep your eyes on the forum – the first problem will be posted on Wednesday, December 2.


  • Brian

Great intro @BrianJ :+1:

This is an awesome initiative, I’m literally counting down the days.
I hope everyone joins in and makes an effort, no matter what level you’re at.

And especially to all who consider themselves “newbies” or “beginners” I would say, focus on the process. Even if you don’t know all required functions to be able to solve it on your own at first - comparing your problem break down and discussing that here with others will really be beneficial in your overall development.

There’s no doubt in my mind that this category will soon become a treasure trove of thought patterns to solve basically any practical problem you might face in the future…


Another great initiative on Entreprise DNA! It will expand our PBI knowledge even more as I suppose the diversity of thought and the angle chosen to attack the problem will be different. I hardly wait :clap: :clap:


I guarantee that’s true. I ran the Week #1 problem by the Expert Team to test it, and every solution I got back took a completely different approach from each other and from my solution. I think it will be interesting breaking this one down.

  • Brian

Live stream video that @sam.mckay and I did today discussing the new Problem of the Week initiative:

To test yourself on the Week #1 problem, click here.

  • Brian