Showcase data files

I’m having fun looking through the showcase examples.
I have the pbix but can we get the data files also or reply with a url ?

@markperrone If you are looking at the Challenges PBIX files, you can download the data files from here:



Also, if you are in the power bi data challenge showcase course, there’s a link to download the data files at the top of the screen

I know the data files for the challenges but I was referring to the showcases in the course like this one We have a pbix but not the data files.

Ahh we misunderstood. The majority of the data files can be found here:

There are a few that use the dataset’s from the learning summits which can be found here:

Although, if I remember correctly, I believe almost all of the datasets (if not all) are simply either the Power BI Workshop excel file or the Retail Sites Performance excel file just with a different name.


Following on to @bradsmith’s message, if for some reason you run into a PBIX file where the dataset is not posted, you can always contact @EnterpriseDNA. Additionally, the latest version of DAX Studio has a phenomenal tool for quickly extracting the data from any PBIX file:

  • Brian

Hi @markperrone, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Pbix file for each Power BI Challenge has been uploaded in the individual lecture in the portal:

Thank you,
Enterprise DNA Team

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