Power BI Builds 1 - Executive Sales Report

Challenge 1- Executive Sales Report

Welcome to the Enterprise DNA data challenge!

To learn more about the challenge and how it works be sure to check out the forum below!

You are an analyst working at a major retailer.

The sales director has approached you and asked for you to prepare a report that he can take to the executives regarding sales performance and to make sure it looks good. Unfortunately, he is unavailable for any further conversations about what he wants in the report!!

SUBMISSION DUE DATE - Sunday, 14th June 2020 (PST)

Objective: Produce a sales report for executives.

The data set can be downloaded below

Best of luck!

Enterprise DNA


A couple of points to note/consider:

This request is for an executive report so make sure the report you create is for the desired audience.

User experience and interface is very important.

What are the key metrics???

A few ideas to get you started-Top 5 products…Worst Performing stores…performance to date…

Any questions don’t hesitate to shout.

Remember to submit:

  • place an image of your report and a link to the published report (can use the publish to web feature).

  • Submit your PBIX file with the following naming convention ‘Challenge Name-Your Name’ to the Enterprise DNA email info@enterprisedna.co with the Subject of Power BI Challenge.


Exciting! Start of something big I think with this initiative. Nice work


Hi @haroonali1000

Thats really an exciting initiative :grinning:

Is the deadline next Wednesday?


This has been updated above

One other thing for this challenge…

If you want to record the development of your work, we may feature it on Enterprise DNA TV as a speed build.

Some free screen recording apps below

All you have to do is record the screen as you’re working. We can complete any fancy editing from there!

Interested to see what you all create.



Hello @haroonali1000,

Just wanted to know that the report should of One Page only or it can be created containing multiple pages?

Thanks & Regards,

Hi @Harsh

There is no right or wrong answer for this. You can do as you see fit to meet the requirements.

The key objective is to ensure that you create a report which would be suitable for use by executives.

We will then hopefully provide some general feedback and as to how the enterprise team would tackle such a request.


Downloaded no issue at my end

Not sure what that could be.

Be sure to check out the colour theme generator.

A great way to ensure a consistent and professional look to you reports.

Looking forward to seeing the submissions.


1 Like

Hey @kentlyer.

I had similar issue so I closed out of excel and all applications then downloaded the file from Google drive as a .xlsx ( I am on Excel 2010) may also depend on what Excel version you are running. It downloaded fine but opened up in Protected View and All I did was click the yellow Edit button up top to get out of Protected Mode.

Try this and let me know if you have any questions



@Sam, This is the first of the challenges correct? Will working on these challenges counted as responding to issues on the forum?


Yes that’s correct

Hi All,

Trust the challenge is keeping you busy.

These challenges are based on scenarios which mimic what we are likely to face in industry.

We are starting with something which is an integral skill in the life of a Power BI developer/analyst.

Which is taking data and turning it into actionable information that the business can use to make decisions (this is what BI is supposed to do!).

After the submission date we will hopefully share some great tips and methods and on how to tackle such a scenario and the thought process of one of the consultants on our team as to how they would tackle the problem statement.

This is a great way for all parties to share their best practices hopefully inspiring some of the best analysts around.

I look forward to learning with you.



Not sure if this bothers anyone else, but the sales team are all selling to stores outside their region.

Hi. The submission due date is noted as June 14: I’m guessing this means 2020-06-14 11:59 PM, but UTC or New Zealand time? Can you please confirm the UTC date/time? Thanks, Greg

US time. But I think since this is the first one we can be flexible.

I’m looking forward to posting mine to the thread tomorrow!

Hi @MathewA we are using a randomised data set I wouldn’t worry to much about this.
