Highlighting a Row - Table

Hey Guys,

I was wondering if it’s possible to highlight a particular row. I 've been doing some research on how to do it but this is the best I could find where they said to create a shape and put it in front of the row you would like to highlight. But the problem is that when you try to scroll down to see the other items the shape moves along with it and does not stick with the row.

Image is attahced. Thanks!

One way it’s been done is to setup conditional formatting fro the selected row(s)


Here’s a similar approach I worked through with another member on the forum a few months ago:

Hope this is helpful.

  • Brian
1 Like

Hey @BrianJ ,

Thanks a lot for that referral. I’ve read through and I did what you suggested in the prior post . But its only highlighting for that item and not for that entire row. Please see for Example:



Unfortunately, you need to go through each column in the visual and set the conditional format settings exactly the way you did for “Income Statement Items”.

Another cool trick I’ve started using is instead of the switch statement returning a numeric value and then using that in the color scale conditional formatting, I have it return a color name (“Blue” or “Cyan” or “Red”) and use that in the field value conditional formatting. The cool thing about that is that once you set up all your columns to reference the switch statement, you can just change colors on the fly from the measure table, rather than going back in to the conditional format preferences. I’m actually working up a video on this approach. Before you configure all your columns using the first approach, you may want to give this one a try - I think it’s more flexible, and wins on style points. :slightly_smiling_face:

Give a shout if you have any problems.

  • Brian


Ohh I see, darn. The alternative you suggested sounds really better but it was giving me an error though. I guess am doing something wrong :


Give this a go. Make sure you are using the "Field Value"conditional formatting option.

Highlight =

    'IS Template'[Income Statement Items],
    "Total Revenues", "Red",
    "Total Costs", "Blue",
    BLANK ()

Please let me know how this goes.

  • Brian


So I tried it out , it works perfect thanks for sharing just have to go now and now apply the color i want for the remaining fields.

Also a quick question unrelated to this , Would you have any advice or which videos I should particular watch to improve on designing a report as in terms of choosing colors and so on?


Great – glad to hear that worked for you. With regard to resources, @sam.mckay just did a terrific deep dive Learning Summit session on advanced visualization that goes through the issues you’re looking for. I’ve also added a couple more useful links below.

  • Brian
1 Like

Thanks @BrianJ ! :slight_smile: