Hello All,
I trust you are all well and keeping safe. It’s been a busy few weeks and it feels as though there could be some light at the end of the tunnel especially with the advancements in the vaccine being rolled out.
It’s also been busy, busy at the Enterprise DNA head quarters with an awesome stream of content, masterclasses, #POW and did I mention we also had the release of an amazing new course on optimising DAX to the portal.
There is some amazing content lined up for the coming weeks and months so watch this space and make sure your subscribed to one of the social media sites, so you don’t miss anything.
Oh we’ve also just finished the 11th instalment of the Enterprise DNA challenge! WOW, WOW, WOW! It did not fail to disappoint as always there was some amazing submissions and work on display and that too on a dataset and scenario that has in some way or another affected each and every one of us.
A massive thank you and well done to all of you who participated. Working with open-source data is no easy ask yet every single submission had managed to craft a report from data that at a glance looks easy but does have some quirks and issues that need to be resolved.
There were some amazing shares from the community around approaches taken and a real opportunity to learn from some of the best in the game at how they tackled the problem.
So let’s get to it….
The Winner
It was seriously a tough call there were some brilliant reports produced that were both aesthetically pleasing, with the analysis and insight second to none.
I can seriously say that the challenges to date have showcased some of the best Power BI reports available across the globe. This challenge was no different I’m always learning more about the art of possible and with every challenge I come away thinking wow I didn’t know that was even possible. Amazing learning without even participating (wink, wink, nudge, nudge review the submissions).
The winner this week has produced a report that “wouldn’t look out of place on Sky News”, “should replace the existing JHU dashboard”, “needs to be seen by the Power BI world”.
The winner is the dream team known as JMAP (@BrianJ, @JarrettM, @MudassirAli, @Greg) the Enterprise DNA experts have just taken this to another level the report itself is wonderfully intuitive and insightful and some of the techniques on display are just wow.
The effort that has gone in to producing such a report is something that all us developers and aspiring analysts can appreciate. This was the first time we’ve explored the team submission approach and all I can say is I really hope to see and learn more from this.
The guys have truly gone the extra mile not only with a great report but in documenting their experience of trying to collaborate on power bi project.
This is invaluable learning for anyone who will be working in a team focussed on power bi development as its not straight forward.
I can’t emphasise enough how good the write up is from the guys so much valuable learning for anyone starting or working in team environment with Power BI.
There are going to be a number of discussions and videos based on the report and how the guys tackled this coming soon so watch this space!
The guys were run hard to the winning line by a number of other entries that deserve a mention.
@alexbadiu I tip my hat to you sir another excellent submission another master piece for the collection. An amazing report with some truly beautiful elements and user experience. Your write up is also excellent and for all of you out there who want to learn about the art of story telling and how to keep your end user in mind make sure you take a look at Alex’s work and write up.
There was also a beautiful technique used to highlight scatter points that Alex has kindly created into a video. Its defo worth a watch and an excellent technique to have up your sleeve. Thanks Alex.
@Alvi an excellent submission from yourself some great insight and loved the bench marking approach in your measures it was a nice touch and provided a nice context. Also a great write up, awesome work all round.
I also want to call out @bradsmith for providing us with yet another master piece in analysis and advanced modelling. Although Brad didn’t quite stick to the brief the detailed analysis he managed to showcase is just wow. Be sure to read his write up. Really looking forward to the course Brad is delivering soon on machine learning and advanced analysis.
A massive well done to all participants and thank you for participating. I really hope to see you all on the next challenge.
Be sure to review the submissions and check out the write ups.
That’s all from me folks, I hope you enjoyed the challenge and I look forward to seeing you all on the next one and welcoming some new participants.
We’ve got a super amazing idea for challenge 12 so take a breather for now and see you on the other side.
As always, any questions, requests, suggestions don’t be shy to get in touch.
Feel free to email powerbichallenge@enterprisedna.co for any queries or reach out to me personally on haroon.ali@enterprisedna.co
Enterprise DNA