Jira Ticket Challenge 8

Hi All,

I want to get the dataset ie.excel files for this challenge : Where I can get it from ?

Is there any video from which we can take help also to proceed one by one step because there is only one pbix file present?
I am learning so I need to see the approach & DAX calculations but it is not present here in forum.

It would be very helpful for me if some links can be shared from where I can practice ServiceNow/Jira tickets dashboard.

Hi Nisha,

The data for the challenge seems to be on this thread:

Power BI Challenge 8 - Jira IT Service Desk Analysis - Power BI Challenges - Enterprise DNA Forum


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Hi @Nisha, you may find the Challenge 8 the dataset and pbix file here: Power BI Challenge 8 - Jira IT Service Desk Analysis | Enterprise DNA

As for the step-by-step process, it is different for each report. You may check individual reports here: Latest Challenge Updates topics - Enterprise DNA Forum
