Rolling sum direction

Hello my PowerBI Enthusiast,

I have an excel i am trying to convert to Powerbi model. In the excel formular as shown in the image below: YOY = F24 Act+Fcst (Mar)/ F24 Plan(Mar) etc. Quarterly YOY =Mar+April+May/3
in my powerbi model f23 plan and f24 act+fcst are both measures. I have tried everything, nothing seems to work.

find below my powerbi visualization

This is how far i have gone for the dax for the Quaterly YOY = Quaterly YOY = SUMX(Fcstdraft, DIVIDE([F24 Act + Fcst], [F24 Plan]))

I need support with the two measures YOY and Quaterly YOY. I
data111.xlsx (11.3 KB)
sample_file.pbix (342.1 KB)
attached the excel and BI files

Thanks for your help

We would really need to see a PBIX file to be able to help you properly.

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Thank you

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Just passing by, and took a look at the question and your model out of curiosity, and I noticed that other Forum members who work with this work-in-progress model will need the following source files which have not been uploaded to the post or a reply.

Please add the following source files that are flagged as missing sources in the model for measures and refresh:

…\SUPPLY CHAIN\3) Demand Planning\30) New Gap Files\Gap File Data\DMDUNIT.csv’.

…\SUPPLY CHAIN\3) Demand Planning\30) New Gap Files\Gap File Data\Hyperion.xlsx’.

…\SUPPLY CHAIN\3) Demand Planning\30) New Gap Files\Gap File Data\S&OP.xlsx’.

…\SUPPLY CHAIN\3) Demand Planning\30) New Gap Files\Gap File Data\Lookup Data.xlsx

Query Fcstdraft and HISTFCST point to Oracle.Database(“PROD_SCPOMGR”), you will have to double check if the pbix can refresh without the source file avialable.