Rewaching videos


I would like to re-watch a video in a lab that I have previously completed, but when I try to click on it, it just tells me that I already have 100% progress in this Lab, and it won’t let me watch the video.

What do I need to do to re-watch a video?
Is there some trick that I have missed?


Dear @ceciliepetas ,

Thank you for reaching out. For a fresh start, please launch a new “Incognito” window, where no browsing history is recorded, and then log in to the platform to access the course/s.

You can search for the course title. To revisit and review the course videos, please collapse each section to show and access each individual course item for the chosen course.

Best regards,

Enterprise DNA Team

Hi @ceciliepetas ,

In addition to the information we sent you yesterday, should you have issue with re-watching “Events/ Virtual Events”, we recommend accessing Virtual Events via the Learning Center > Events > Historical Events section.

Thank you for your continous support.

Best regards,

Enterprise DNA Support Team

Hi @ceciliepetas ,

another trick is to click on Virtual Event section (not See details)

as also Keith mentioned in his post:

Hope it works.
Enjoy watching.