Resources Exceeded error

Getting the below error in pbi service , how to solve it

Resources Exceeded

This visual has exceeded the available resources. Try filtering to decrease the amount of data displayed.

Please try again later or contact support. If you contact support, please provide these details.

  • More detailsResource Governing: The memory used by the query exceeded the configured limit. The query or calculations referenced by it might be too memory intensive. Please consider simplifying the query or calculations. If the dataset is hosted on a dedicated capacity/server, you may also reach out to your capacity/server administrator to see if the per-query memory limit can be increased. Additional information: Requested 1048579KB, Limit 1048576KB.

Hello @Anu,

PowerBI has a limit of 1GB of RAM to run queries.

You can increase this capacity if you are a Premium user; otherwise you will have to clean up the dataset and improve the queries to show the visuals (Columns and Metrics created in DAX and M).

Best regards


Hi @Anu, did the response provided by @Gifted help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark the thread as solved. Thanks!

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