Replicate Excel in to Dax/Powerbi

I am trying to replicate my excel calculations in Powerbi. Sheet 3 in and sheet 2 in i devide to get desired results. I would like the same in Powerbi.

To get the desired tables and column name changes i use this sql code:

App Filter Categories

select a.label as ‘App Category’
, b.label as ‘Menu’
, c.product_uid as ‘Product UID’
from app_menu_filters a
left join app_menu_filters b on b.parent_uid=a.uid
left join app_menu_filter_products c on b.uid=c.app_menu_filter_uid
where a.status=‘A’ and a.level=1
order by 1,2,3;

Sales and Product Data

SELECT date(o.created_datetime) as Date, od.product_uid as ‘Product UID’,
p.manufacturer Manufacturer, p.bmc BMC, p.brand Brand, od.label as SKUs, p.selling_unit as ‘Unit of Measure’,
ROUND(if(od.amended_quantity is not null, od.amended_quantity, od.quantity)) as ‘Units Sold’,
ROUND((if(od.amended_quantity IS NOT NULL, od.amended_quantity, od.quantity))*p.content,2) as ‘Sales Volume’,
ROUND((if(od.amended_quantity is not null, od.amended_quantity, od.quantity))*od.price,2) as ‘Sales Value’
FROM order_detail od
left join order o on od.order_uid=o.uid
left join product p on od.product_uid=p.uid
where o.status in (‘D’,1,2,3,4,5)
and not od.label =‘Plastic Bag’
and date(o.created_datetime) >= ‘2020-04-01’

Problem is, i am not getting these sales data in my powerbi model when using the above sql script, as indicated here:

What am i doing wrong?

PBIX file with SQL code use

PBIX when i pull in the tables manually :

Hi @Yrstruly

In all your Posts you are asking same type of questions and all our experts have already advised multiple times to go through Enterprise DNA courses to get better understanding of Data Modelling, Power BI and DAX. Some post below.

Please heed to there advice and learn basics and stop bombarding this forum with these questions.

@EnterpriseDNA - Please check if something can be done for questions from Anthony.

Ankit J


I agree with Ankit.

Please Anthony take some time to go through the basic Power BI course. It will help you a lot.


I agree, you only learn if you do it yourself. Searching the forum/youtube/internet for examples that you meet your needs.

Hello @anthony.appolis. We strive to answer ALL inquiries in the forum. However, we encourage everyone to check out tutorials to learn this yourself FIRST as your membership also comes with relevant resources that may help you with your Power BI education.

While our users and experts do as much as reasonable to help you with your inquiries, not all concerns can be attended to especially if there are some learnings to be done.

We are now closing this thread.
Thank you!

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Thanks everyone for your input here. Makes a lot of sense.


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