Power BI challenges suggestion

Hello everyone,

Here is a Power BI challenges suggestion.

A Timesheet Power BI Solution

I use atWork Timesheet iOS application on my iPhone
to track my billable time. This app can export to CSV
the data which you can use in Excel etc.

I would like a nice Power BI that gives my insight into my
billable hours and earnings.

Here is a simple data file.
ExportSample.csv (28.4 KB)

I did not know where to put this suggestion, please feel free to change it’s location.

Eric (Montreal, Canada)

@ericet ,

Thanks! – we welcome any suggestions for future Challenges. I’m looping in @haroonali1000 , who is the Enterprise DNA Data Challenge Czar.

  • Brian

Awesome !

I think the billable time Power BI solution will be great. I provided sample data and the iOS app is free, only a small fee for the export feature.

The sample file provided is easy so it will work for many people

Thanks for starting this discussion @ericet and to all contributors on this post. We appreciate users sharing varied updates and infos relevant to Power BI.

We are tagging this post as “Solved” due to the inactivity if the thread. For further questions related to this post, please make a new thread.

OK, could not resist building a Power BI solution to keep track of
my customers and time, so I made one.

Maybe some experts can improve what I made or better yet make a challenge with this data and idea.

Take a look at my web page to download the dashboard


Have a great day

iPad and Desktop
