Power BI Challenge 7 - Purchases, Inventory And Sales!

Yes! Actual scenarios and real-world data are preferred. Contact @haroonali1000, who coordinates the challenges.

Totally agree with you re: Tufte - I’ve got all his books in my collection and have taken his seminar twice. Really like Few’s Makeover Monday book, and just heard an interview with Marco Russo where he said Few’s “Show Me the Numbers” is essential .

  • Brian

This video from the creators of South Park is in my list of favorites. Great storytelling advice.
I try to apply these concepts in my visuals.


Thanks - great video.

35 years of data analytics, Tufte and South Park. I’m beginning to think we were separated at birth… :grin:

  • Brian
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LOVE THIS APPROACH. I’m actually working on something similar for work and your submission has given me more ideas.

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You submitted a report that is a beautiful, interactive , creative and full of information.
Great job.



Thank you so much for your comment. Sometimes it is hard to judge the report by myself so it’s nice to hear from close participants :relaxed:


There are many free sites that can generate colours and I use a couple one to generate a range of shades off one base colour (able to get 2 - 25 different shades).

Another one I use is one where you can upload a picture and extract colours from the image, so useful for corporate images and alternate schemes, this generates five colours from the image but also allows a ‘shuffle’ function to capture another five colours from the image.

I find them useful, hope you do!!

Dave Hampson


Hello Everyone,
Sorry for the late submission. I was busy for the last two weeks and I thought I should work on and submit Challenge 7 first before diving into Challenge 8.

Data Model:-

The challenging part for me was creating a Data Model that is efficient, and it took me awhile to come up with one that works well for the requirement.
I created the following three dimension tables and fact tables in Power Query :-

There are four dimension tables created after extracting distinct values of the Purchase Orders, Materials, Customers and a new Date table.

In order to create some of the calculations needed for this report, the three tables provided were merged using a left join starting with the biggest table which is invoices table in Power Query.


I created the visuals on this report after learning from my fellow participants on how to create a tool tip visual and some other techniques.
So thanks every one for the continuous learning experience I am having and for your support.

Purchase Order Insights

Here is a Link to the Report



Hi @Neba,

Great effort, covered some solid analysis and looks very elegant.

Some great techniques on display and kudos to you for taking the time out to go back and complete challenge 7.:slight_smile:

See you on challenge 8.


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Thank you very much @haroonali1000.

See you on the next one.


@Neba, thats a good one. How did you do the rotating card info ? example the Average Days(Receive) and Average Days(Total)

Hey @Eze,
Thank you for your compliments. But , it was just an imported visual. Sorry for not mentioning that on my write up.

Hi @Neba

No worries, thanks a lot

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