Power BI Challenge 6 - Insurance Complaints Entry from Nebiyu

Here’s Nebiyu’s entry for Power BI Challenge 6. @Neba, would you like to share how you built this dashboard and what your inspiration is in building it?







Here is the link to the report:

To learn about the real-life scenario presented for the challenge, be sure to click on the image below.


Hello everyone,

This was one of the best Data sets from @haroonali1000 and I really enjoyed working on it and learned tremendously.
There is a vast amount of analysis that can be extracted from this Data set and as usual, the amount of talent from other participants was astounding.

Query Editor:-

  • As per the requirement, at first, I decided to filter the data in the Query Editor for two years but, after some consideration, I thought loading the whole Data and applying filters on all pages instead would make the Report flexible to view in different time frames if there is a need. So, that’s what I did.

  • I Left joined the State_Regions table on state column and Merge it with Regions table and created a Regions column.

  • I used @Melissa 's date M code to create a Date table.

Data Model:-

DAX and Visualizations :-

On most of the visuals the DAX calculation used were not too complicated.
except the Claim status.

It took me awhile to figure out how to calculate the difference between the status dates in days between statuses.
After doing some research online, First , I used the following formula to create a column with day difference between statuses on the Status_History table :-

Diff. Current v Prev. Dates =

VAR Mindate = CALCULATE( MIN( Complains[Complain Date] ) ,
ALLEXCEPT( Complains , Complains[ID] ) )
VAR Demoteddate =
MAX( ‘Status History’[Status Date] ) ,
ALLEXCEPT( ‘Status History’ , ‘Status History’[Complaint ID] ) ,
‘Status History’[Status Date] < EARLIER( ‘Status History’[Status Date] ) ) )
IF( ‘Status History’[Status Date] = Mindate ,
DATEDIFF( ‘Status History’[Status Date] , ‘Status History’[Status Date] , DAY ) ,
DATEDIFF( Demoteddate , ‘Status History’[Status Date] , DAY ) )

Then I created a measure to Concatenate the day numbers & " days" . :-

  • Dynamic titles :-

Some of the Titles of the visuals are dynamic and change based on the selection made on
the slicers and some visuals.
I used measures on the Text boxes for the titles on the Fx to make them dynamic based on a selection.

As an example,

Selected Broker Claims =
SELECTEDVALUE( Brokers[Broker Full Name] , “Total” ) & " Claims"

is used to change the title when a broker is selected.

For the visual inspiration, I read online that darker backgrounds are not printer friendly in case some one
wants to print the report and if there are a lot of pages to look at, it is better if the colors used are lighter to make it easy on the eyes. Therefore, I went with a lighter background and used very few light colors.

Thank and regards,

P.S. I improved the Home page after some feedback from @BrianJ.


Good choice of color, the light background is very easy on the eyes, and you don’t lose any aspect of the reporting visuals to a ‘too close’ color choice.

I also like that you explored some different visuals, not restricting everything to bar/column charts (something that I have to always remind myself to do when designing a report).

Report seemed to flow logically from one page to another, but I appreciate that you didn’t force the viewer to only march through the report from page 1 to page 6 - they always had the option to flip back to the home tab and select a different view. Calling out the top broker for complaints was very nicely done as a dynamic measure.

Thank you @Heather for your positive feedback.

Really well done. I’m blown away by the level of Power BI work I’m seeing.

If you think about all of the great things done here to make this a high-quality submission and piece of work.

Perfectly aligned visuals
Simple and effective navigation
Perfect colour theme and minimal use of colours
Great labelling
Perfect use of grids
Telling a great story across all pages in the report
Engaging for the consumer
Simple and easy to comprehend and sites
And more…

Basically this ticks all of my best practice boxes.

Can’t congratulate you enough on a super submission to the challenge. And really glad to see that you’re learning a lot.

Appreciate the comprehensive write-up and it’s good to get an understanding of how you’re putting these together.

It’s hard for me to fault this one or provide any suggestions because to me it’s the complete package. Awesome work.


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Hey Sam,

Thank you so much for the compliments and kind words on this report. It means a lot coming from you and it gives me the moral boost to get even better and challenge my self.

But, I have to give credit especially to you and the other participants for inspiring me to become better.

Best Regards,