Power BI Challenge 15 - Formula 1 Analysis from Kim

Here’s Kim’s entry for Power BI Challenge 15. @KimC, feel free to add other details of your work.

Here’s the link to the report:

To learn about the real-life scenario presented for the challenge, be sure to click on the image below.


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This challenge really stretched me. I started off with grand plans of completing analysis by teams, seasons, constructors, drivers etc however ended up just focusing on World Champions due to time contraints.

New techniques learnt during this challenge were:

  • Using a background image with a transparent overlay
  • creating a colour pallete
  • creating a colour theme JSON file
  • timeline by Queryon
  • groupby/Allrows in power query
  • tool tips
  • using driver and flag images

Overall I am happy with the progress I have made an look forward to improving over the next challenges.
Special shoutout to @BrianJ, without his help I don’t think I would have completed this challenge.


Nice one Kim. love the timelines visual a lot. This is a great visualization for the data set that we were given. And you’ve really thought outside the box here which I really appreciate.

I myself have not actually used the timeline slicer in anything before but it just does add that additional value to the consumer experience particularly when you can showcase the images of drivers etc like you have done.

I like a lot of small things that you’ve done here around the country flags and the icons you’ve used. These are small things but they just add a lot of additional visual insights into what the consumer is looking at. I can see you’ve also created some unique calculations around winning percentage and podium percentage etc which is some really good insights that I haven’t seen in many other reports.

This is really high quality, love all aspects of this, I can see you have really followed through on all the four key pillars of power BI development. So Congrats and well done


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Thankyou for the feedback @sam.mckay , at the moment I am so slow at building these dashboards, particularly around DAX but hope to get faster as I practice more. I would like to build one in a hour, one day like you!!