Power BI Challenge 1- Executive Sales

Hi All,

This challenge is based on scenario of Performance of Executive sales for passing DNA Certification Level I.

I am starting with creating some visuals and Dax calculations in Power BI about Sales Report.

This is a great way for me to share my practices.



Nicely done – attractive report, easy to navigate and very effective use of drillthrough. I particularly like your use of the small tab to highlight the drillthrough capability and when it’s available.

A few constructive suggestions:

  • I feel like your visuals could use some additional titles and/or legends. Many of them are not interpretable at all until you mouse over and read the tooltip.

  • I’m not a big fan of donut or pie charts, and would’ve preferred a bar chart instead.

  • The funnel chart typically implies a narrowing over time/process, e.g. sales pipeline. That’s not the relationship that exists between regions – I think a different visual would have been more appropriate here.

  • I really like the color scheme you used throughout, except for the sudden and unnecessary shift made in the donut chart.

  • On the cumulative chart, decrease the size and frequncy of data labels. As is, they are a bit hard to read and somewhat distracting

  • For the two current versus previous visuals, I think it would be easier to read and interpret if you had a single line on the graph the representing (current-previous), centered around 0 on the Y axis.

I hope this is helpful.

  • Brian
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