Hi there,
This ‘week accelerator’ was another excellent one and the extra week provided was not too much, even of great help.
Some measurements were difficult but very instructive and below are some personal notes.
What I was not able to achieve
- Highlight “Jan” and “Feb” months in the “Is ‘Dumpary’ Real? (do studios drop their least promising films in Jan/Feb?)” visual.
- Add the title of the movie in the “Largest +/- Discrepancies between Viewers and Critics” visual
What measures was hard for me to determine
- The measure I used to filter the “Top 5 Directors”. I took me about 10 hours to get the correct result just because the use of ALL function instead of ALLSELECTED
What measure I did not understand
- I did not understand the 'Total WW ROI’ measure but I used the [ROI] measure and got similar result with the one shown in the Mockup
What technic I used for the first time
- Even if I viewed many videos on the subject, this is the first time i use a support table with switch measure to build the “Highest and Lowest Cost per Critics Review Point”
What comment did tilt
- The scenario provided many insights and guidance to solve the problem but the one but the one that was the most revealing is the one about using Rank to filter the “Largest +/- Discrepancies between Viewers and Critics” visual.
Other eDAN resource I used
- I used @sam.mckay post (Product Name as Measure for Highest Sales Product - #2 by sam.mckay) to create the Highest Rate measures.
One thing I really appreciated
- I really appreciated that, in the list of resources that you provided to solve the problem, you pointed to a resource that is not an eDNA one.
Thank you for the effort made by everyone to make this Accelerator so successful and awesome.
PS: @KimC : the extra page you added is very interesting. Thank you for sharing.
Please find bellow my solution.
Power BI Accelerator – Week #4 Final Exercise - MehdiH.pbix (11.1 MB)