Hi @ambepat,
How far did you get with your scenario?
I seem to have a slight difference in opinion with the excel DATEDIFF calc, it should count full months between two dates but its not…
Here’s the tMonthsDiff custom function to count full months and get the Dates.
( sDate as date, eDate as date ) =>
Table.TransformColumnTypes( Table.FromColumns( { List.Dates( sDate, Number.From( eDate - sDate )+1, Duration.From(1)) }, { "Date" } ), {{"Date", type date }}),
"Record", each [ DaysInMonth = Date.DaysInMonth([Date]), StartOfMonth = Date.StartOfMonth([Date]) ] ),
"Record", {"DaysInMonth", "StartOfMonth"} ),
{"StartOfMonth"}, {{"Count", each Table.RowCount(_), Int64.Type}, {"DaysInMonth", each List.Max([DaysInMonth]), type number}}),
each [Count] = [DaysInMonth] )
and here’s the sample query, Note that due to the differences in Number of Months the figures are off - you will have to define some logic to deal with that.
Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("fY5NC8IwDIb/ivTcQpJ+rDsKHj0I4mn0ou6gIANX/79N61w3wR6SJ0l5eLtOHJ7Dvb/EDQop9sMYUwNU4BXxRhekhNvTLlXXOgBIgDBNPPAH6zNzAxHkrObj8XV+3GLsr4nJ1n6k2o9git/noqn4HYsLOzIrv1759Z/8ja/iN35O72zeoF26za8b4eMGhbjI3kIlz9NkR+u11Pl9TyG8AQ==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [#"Project Codes" = _t, Phase = _t, EstStartDate = _t, EstEndDate = _t, ProjectCurrencyCode = _t, Revenue = _t, Probability = _t, WeightedRevenue = _t, #"No of months" = _t, #"Monthly Split" = _t, #"Sum of Next 12 Months" = _t]),
ChType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"EstStartDate", type date}, {"EstEndDate", type date}, {"Revenue", Int64.Type}, {"Probability", Int64.Type}, {"WeightedRevenue", Int64.Type}, {"No of months", Int64.Type}, {"Monthly Split", Int64.Type}, {"Sum of Next 12 Months", Int64.Type}}),
InvokedCF = Table.AddColumn(ChType, "GetInfo", each tMonthsDiff([EstStartDate], [EstEndDate])),
AddRecord = Table.AddColumn(InvokedCF, "Custom", each let WRev = [WeightedRevenue] in
[ Monthly Split = WRev / Table.RowCount([GetInfo]), Next 12 Months = Table.RowCount( Table.SelectRows( [GetInfo], each [StartOfMonth] >= Date.EndOfMonth(Date.From(DateTime.FixedLocalNow())) and [StartOfMonth] <= Date.AddMonths( Date.StartOfMonth(Date.From(DateTime.FixedLocalNow())), 12) )) * [Monthly Split] ] ),
ExpandRecord = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(AddRecord, "Custom", {"Monthly Split", "Next 12 Months"}, {"Monthly Split2", "Next 12 Months"}),
ExpandTable = Table.ExpandTableColumn(ExpandRecord, "GetInfo", {"StartOfMonth"}, {"StartOfMonth"})
Here’s your sample file:
eDNA - Pipeline scenario.pbix (29.9 KB)
I hope this is helpful