New External Tool to Create Practice Datasets

I can also confirm that this is also now working for me, despite Avecto Defendpoint. No admin pop-up is now displayed and everythong loads as expected.
Absolutelt B-E-A-utiful!

Thanks again and have a nice weekend!



I found a little quirk in your latest version. The relationship between customer and sales appears to still be missing.

Thanks @Frede.
I’ll check it out.


Sounds great. I’ll make sure to save some room on my toolbar for that one!

  • Brian


I’ve made a new release. Release Practice Dataset v2.3.4 · samaguire/PBIdesktop-PracticeDataset (

Let me know if you find anything else :smile:

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It looks OK now, thanks

Hi All

New release - tweaked for consistency with the other extensions I’ve made.

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Hi All

(@BrianJ @Melissa @JarrettM …)

I’ve made an update to this, and it’s a good one!

Automatic Updating!

With this change there is no need for the ‘bin’ file. just grab the json and install as you normally would. The script does the rest - connecting to GitHub and pulling down the latest versions of the files.

Enjoy! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Release Practice Dataset v3.0.1 · samaguire/PBIdesktop-PracticeDataset (


Hi there
I must be doing something wrong.
I"m getting this error

i download the json file and source code zip file and extracted the files.
then i copied the folder files to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Power BI Desktop\External Tools

What am i doing wrong?

Thanks Keith

Hi Keith

That is an odd one. It might pay to clean things out and starting again.

Try running the below code in PowerShell to clean out the working files.

Get-ChildItem $env:TEMP -Filter "practicedataset.*" | Remove-Item -Recurse

Can you please also clear out the files from “” including “” from “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Power BI Desktop\External Tools”. Only the json file itself is required.

The folder should look something more like this (depending on your installed extensions):


Hi @samaguire

I did all the steps that you stated and it works now.

thanks for your help.


Even looking at the JSON file, I have no idea how this dark magic works but it ran perfectly.

Great stuff! Thanks so much for continuing to upgrade and improve this tool.

  • Brian
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No problem @Keith

Enjoy the update! :smile:

Thanks @BrianJ!

It was bugging me that the end user had to also download a bin file. Then I had an aha moment a couple of days ago.

The latest version is also a little easier to maintain and lets model updates be pushed to users without the need for them to down and install new files.

BTW, the code runs a little like the movie Inception - scripts within scripts. :thinking:

Perfect analogy, since I like that movie a lot but don’t really understand it either… :smiley:

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I am running Power Bi Desktop Version: 2.96.1061.0 64-bit (August 2021), When I click the Practice Database icon, I get the following error.


I can manually open the file in Power Bi desktop, but even if I do a save as to update the file, I still cannot get it to open when I click the Practice Database icon.

Any help is appreciated.

@moltra ,

I’m also running August 2021 version, and haven’t had any problems with the Practice Dataset tool, and can’t figure out why a previously created PBIX would be causing an incompatibility with a later version of PBI. I’m looping in @samaguire to see if he has any ideas on this.

  • Brian


Are you using the latest json file as per this post?

Good afternoon,

I’m having some issues with the Practice Dataset external tool. The output was similar to @Keith’s above, so I followed the advice that @samaguire provided (clearing out working files using the listed code in powershell.)

After clicking the Practice Dataset button, an instance of powershell opens and looks something like this:

There’s a flurry of additional errors if I allow the function to complete; do I need to have Internet Explorer (or Edge) marked as my primary browser for tool to work?

Thanks for the assistance.