Need to map territories by Zip Code

we are a franchise and need to map our franchisee territories based on zip codes. I want to create a map (in USA) for our 150 locations. Each location could have 15-50 zip codes. Attached is a sample zip code file for a handful of locations. Ultimately, want to give a slicer with owner information and allow our users to click on an owner name and see the territory map.

Which visualization is best to use?

Test Zip File1.xlsx (22.0 KB)

Hi @ChrisZimmerman,
Thank you very much for posting your question in the forum.
I’m sharing an example pbix using the Power BI Map visual and the iconMapV3 custom visual.



As I have been able to read, there is a limitation of 3500 points in Power BI maps, so you could use the Owner’s segmentation to make it Single Select.


FranchiseTerritories_JAFP.pbix (704.6 KB)

Thank you for sending this.

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