Logical order and new tools

I apologize if this has already been asked somewhere, but is there a logical order of progression through the Enterprise membership modules? Or are they already in the logical order?

Will you be adding modules for new Power BI products like Power BI Report Builder and working with Paginated reports?



I can’t speak to upcoming modules, but here’s the order of training @sam.mckay recommends:

Hope this is helpful.

  • Brian

Thanks BrianJ

Lots of updates and new content planned. Hoping to release these in the coming months and into next year.

There’s been so many changes to Power BI lately, so have just been waiting until these have been more embedded into the product long term before launching into anything new.


Regarding the Report Builder / Paginated Reports module that is available, is there any EDNA training specific to this Report Builder functionality? I’m interested in using it for a few standard structured reports for general consumption then branch into more detail data exploration using PowerBI report service.

Not currently. It’s on a list (a long one) of Power BI topics to cover.

I’ll keep everyone in the loop around this when new changes and updates are coming out.
