Keyboard Shortcuts for DAX Editing

I’ve always wondered why Microsoft didn’t include basic code editing functions in the DAX editor like search-and-replace, comment/uncomment, formatting, ability to toggle IntelliSense on and off, etc. (ala DAX Studio). Turns out they did include these (and a lot more) as keyboard shortcuts. I just stumbled onto the following blog post that I thought others would find as helpful as I did:

and here’s the most comprehensive printable list I’ve found:

  • Brian


Thanks Brian, always looking for this type of info. I did create a power bi report too :smiley:

check out Daniil’s blog too, found it helpful with images.


You put all the shortcuts into a Power BI report? Would you be willing to post that?

  • Brian


I just have the short-cuts reported in both links above which I pasted into a table for now. Daniil’s had a couple of extra ones re line comments but that’s about it.

This is great. Thanks for sharing. I haven’t been using these too much but need to embed them to memory as they will speed up development immensely


I came across this in my files, must’ve made last year sometime. Could be a good reference

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Some more information is shown inside power bi by HOLDING DOWN SHIFT and pressing ?

Gives you the quick help guide and then at the bottom is a link to the full details

[](http://Microsoft Power BI Shortcuts)

Also a new video by guy in a cube today…

Plenty of information available on this…just trying to remember them all is the key


I was thinking the same thing, so here’s what I did - went through the info in my original post, as well as the info that you and @Nick_M provided (thanks!). Selected what I thought were the 10 best/most useful shortcuts, put them together in a Word table, and had them printed on a mouse pad:

Attached is the Word table in case anyone else wants to use or modify it.