Intersection of virtual tables with 2 separate date ranges & 2 location conditions


I wrote some DAX recently for a different solution that I think you’ll be able to easily adapt to get to your desired end result. I’m assuming your two virtual table measures are returning the correct records. If so, you can use similar code to the DistinctReports variable to pull a single column table of customers out of each virtual table. Let’s call these tables vCustomers1 and vCustomers2

The intersection of customers who meet both criteria will be a virtual table defined by

VAR vCustIntersect = INTERSECT( vCustomers1, vCustomers2 )

You can now pop that vCustIntersect table into a result variable structured per below using CONCATENATEX and UNICHAR(10) to return the names in the table as a scalar that looks like a column of names.


I hope this is helpful.

  • Brian