Incorrect Avg at the Client Level

Hi @datazoe I am copying you again, since you have the file.
I need the correct Avg Amount When I select the Client Name.
I have Total and Avg of the ABC, I have placed Cards and it is giving me the correct results.
When I select the Client’s Name from the table Below
The Average and the Total Amount is same

Showing Correct

Showing Incorrect Average when I search for Client

Avg ABC Funding= AVERAGEX(
KEEPFILTERS(VALUES(‘Rev Lines’[Client Name])),

Total ABC Funding
T.ABC Funding = CALCULATE(SUMX(‘Rev Lines’, ‘Rev Lines’[value]), ‘Rev Lines’[LineOrder] = 2.01 || ‘Rev Lines’[LineOrder] = 2.05)

Thanks for posting your question @mohammedkhan11

Please be reminded that while we encourage everyone’s participation in the forum, we don’t allow single calling out of a member to answer a question as this may discourage other users to help your inquiry.

This is included in the FORUM GUIDE- Asking Questions On The Enterprise DNA Support Forum

Also, to receive a resolution in a timely manner please make sure that you provide all the necessary details on this thread.

Here is a potential list of additional information to include in this thread; demo pbix file, images of the entire scenario you are dealing with, screenshot of the data model, details of how you want to visualize a result, and any other supporting links and details.

Including all of the above will likely enable a quick solution to your question.

Kindly revise your inquiry above. Thank you.

Thank you for reminding me, I have attached the screenshots in my earlier request and now attaching the PBIX file, hope this would suffice to respond with a solution

AFR Report(04-09-2021)New.pbix (9.0 MB)

Hi @mohammedkhan11,
Your report works as it is expected. When you select something from other visuals it applies that selection as a slicer. As a result the average measure change. But if you want for the cards above to to keep their current value, you can just edit the interactions in Format.
Here’s the file, i did modify the interactions. If i misunderstood the request please explain more
Checkout CPB - rev

AFR Report(04-09-2021)New.pbix (9.0 MB)

Hi @mohammedkhan11,

Besides @HASSAN_BI idea of using proper interaction, you may change the formula to ignore station filter like this:

	ALL('Rev Lines'[Station Name]),
	[CPB Funding]

Hi @mohammedkhan11, did the response provided by the users and experts help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query. Thanks!