End-To-End walk top challenge reports

Hi there!

The amount and quality of the submitted challenge reports is constantly increasing and sometimes even difficult to catch up for newcomers :slight_smile:

I was hoping that someone from Expert Team would eventually hold a kind of End-To-End demonstration for some of your top entries so that newbies like I can learn how did you come up with some of the calculations, and specially designs that made your reports really stand out.

Looking forward to see something like a recording, or even better, a live session available for members.




You are in luck, my friend. We are planning to release an extensive course later this year where all seven multi-time Enterprise DNA Data Challenge winners walk through in detail the development of their favorite report start to finish.

We’re really excited about this one. I think it will be exactly what you’re looking for.

  • Brian

Thanks a ton, @BrianJ :slight_smile: really eager to see this course available. Without a doubt, that will be a tremendous source of knowledge and inspiration for the EDNA community! Please keep up the good work you guys are constantly doing. Cheers!