Dynamic Tax Report Reconciliation template

Good day

I have a Tax reconciliation template which is used for multiple clients in excel using macros.

I am looking to have the process completed by the team but using Power BI instead of macros.

The data included in the reconciliation is from multiple reports which are generated.
I am looking for some guidance with enhancing the current process from an excel solution to a Power BI solution where I can run the respective reports and load them into the Power BI have the formulas in the template so that the information can be updated by changing the client name and the reporting period in question.

Attached is a sample of what the template looks like.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Tax Template.xlsx (14.8 KB)

Hi @Pidanna.

Your excel file has an error coming up.

can you please check your file again?


Hi Keith

Thanks for the feedback.
Please see the attached spreadsheet.


Hi @Pidanna,

I’m still getting the same error :frowning:

Hi Keith

I have deleted the previous versions and attached a new template.


thanks @Pidanna…it worked this time

Hi Keith

Thanks for confirming. I am hoping that I have submitted this topic under the correct category.

If not please let me know if the category should be changed.


you put it under the wrong topic

Power Bi Challenges is used by the EDNA team for their bi-weekly challenges to the forum.

you might want to move this under another category


Thanks I tried to change it but it is not allowing me to change the category


click on the pencil to edit the topic

click on the down arrow Power bi challenge

i hope this helps

Hi @Pidanna

Can you please fill some dummy data and send us the file. Because we can’t do any transformation with empty file (with headers alone)

Attached is the report with some dummy data included.

The Data in Rows 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 is coming from 5 different reports.

We currently have a Macro-based solution which we are trying to improve and wondered if this is something that could be done in Power BI or Power QueryTax Template.xlsx (15.4 KB)

Thanks to the contributors of this post. Due to the length by which this post has been active, we are tagging it as Solved. For further questions related to this post, please make a new thread.