Deneb Template - Donut KPI Chart

One of the great things about Deneb and Vega-Lite is how quickly you can customize existing visuals to suit your specific requirements. I had an idea this morning when thinking about a donut KPI I’m seeing more and more in media these days, and how easy it might be to customize an existing Deneb template to create such a chart.

So, I started with the Ring Chart template that I posted a while ago, and with less than 10 minutes of changes (It actually took me significantly longer to do the template development, screenshots, and this write-up than it did to modify the Deneb/Vega-Lite code), had a useful template for a donut KPI chart, which I then used 3 times to create the following KPIs:

The customizations I made to the ring chart template include:

  • remove the title block
  • remove the legend block and the associated vertical concatenation
  • remove the arc and text blocks associated with the 2nd and 3rd rings
  • change the “ring_max” parameter value to suit the desired ring size
  • change the location, colour, and font size of the percent “text” mark
  • duplicate the percent “text” mark, lower the duplicate vertically by 20 pixels, and change the duplicate to display the category

The intent of this template is not to provide a finished visual, but rather to serve as a starting point for further custom visual development.

Also included is the sample PBIX using the Enterprise DNA Practice Dataset as a demo.

NOTE: This template is provided as-is for information purposes only, and its use is solely at the discretion of the end user; no responsibility is assumed by the author.

deneb.donut_kpi_chart.0.2.json (4.4 KB)
Deneb Templates - Donut KPI Chart.pbix (1.7 MB)


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