[Deneb] A few questions...reply

I was unable to reply to the post, Continuing the discussion from [Deneb] A few questions, so I am including it here:

@Greg continues providing some of the most well-done d-vl tutorials I’ve ever seen.

To supplement, you can look at deneb-viz/deneb particularly under the Community & Resources section. You’ll find links to some really nice tutorials on Daniel’s site (including the eDNA Deneb showcase).

For even less hand-holding you can work through the examples on Example Gallery | Vega-Lite. That’s a helpful thing to do, by the way.

Good luck!

Hi @HufferD

You might want to contact customer support, on why you can’t reply to the posting.

Here is the email address: customersupport@enterprisedna.co


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Thank you, Huffer.
I will take a look at those and hopefully find something that allows me not to just edit other people’s codes, but create one myself from scratch.

If anyone else who knows sources for learning it, I will be very grateful. Also, did you manage to find out why my code did not allow selecting a specific bar?


sorry, no, i didn’t have the data to try and replicate and i wasn’t entirely sure what was meant by

your code seems fine other than the curly quotes.

is that the same “opacity” encoding @Greg used?

Looks like I didn’t have cross filtering enabled on settings haha.

Also, let me ask you: how and where did you learn Deneb?

And is there a telegram group, discord server or something like it to talk about the tool?


@klein.keagan, if you haven’t already, take a look at the cross-filtering and cross-highlighting subsections in the Interactivity Features section on @dm-p’s site. It is clear, through…and indispensable.

If you like to control your own dosage, I recommend carefully studying the Vega-Lite Documentation and working through the examples peppered through the docs. Every time you see a “Open in Vega Editor” caption, click that link and play around with the example:

You’ll find short “how” videos and such, but you won’t find anyone that describes the “why” side of it as well as @Greg does. When you find someone willing to comprehensively document their explorations it’s like you took the trip yourself. The next step would be someone learning it for you, but we’re not there yet.

Hmmm…a Discord platform to share ideas and learn about topics like Vega-Lite? I’m familiar with eDNA and also eDNA :wink: Seriously, though, there really isn’t too much else out there. Perhaps vega-js or Vega/Vega-Lite · Discussions · GitHub are more what you are looking for?

I see.
Thank you.

I will try to follow your advice while going through Greg’s course here.
On another note, @HufferD , do you use VS Code or just go straight into Power BI? It’s so often I meet an error there because of wrong , and } and ] and “” so I’d like to know if there is any tool to help me on that, as deneb fix and apply option does not really help on this most of the time.

If you remember anything else that can be helpful, please let me know =)

both. for now at least.

For visuals I’ve tested and that I use repeatedly, I use vsc. not just for the editing capabilities but also, obviously, for the version control. But for new visuals I typically start with the deneb editor. I muddle my way through the initial development process and once I get something close to what I need I’ll switch over to vsc.

I say “for now” because @dm-p is revising the deneb editor. I expect that once the new deneb editor is released I’ll use it for all editing. then ill save the files and keep them under version control.

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And how/where do you get a similar data to what you are building, since vscode does not read your data from pbi, for obvious reasons?

it’s helpful sometimes to mockup a toy dataset with just the columns used in the deneb visual.

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Thanks for the kind words @HufferD. Totally agree on the use of the “Open in Vega Editor” option on the Vega-Lite website … that’s how I’ve learned pretty-much everything about using Vega-Lite. As for datasets and Visual Studio Code, yes, I use that frequently if I can mock-up a representative dataset, do the dev work in VSC, then copy-and-paste back into Deneb and reset the dataset. Unfortunately easy mock-up data creation is few-and-far between, so I actually end
-up not using VSC much.