I’ve gone through all the steps in the below thread, difference being I’m using Edge as my browser, but my online Date Filter/Slicer is still displaying in a US Date format when I need UK date format.
Other dates in the report as showing as UK format, just not in the slicer.
Hey @cmalone1112 Thanks for the suggestion, will give it a shot when I republish the report later on this afternoon and see how the Power BI service reacts to it. Power BI Service is not my friend today
P.S. As a lover of brute force solutions, much respect to @cmalone1112 's suggestion. Occasionally, when I get the inexplicable date misbehavior, I just take the field in PQ, split by delimiters and then merge it back together the way I want it. That usually causes the date gremlin to tap out…
That approach didn’t work, the brute force one that is, below is the slicer on my desktop
And below is in the Service
From what I’ve been told, our Power BI Licences were originally set up in the US tenancy, this may or may not have something to do with it. I could be clutching at straws…but dates from a table in the same page display perfectly well
Okay, I wouldn’t have guessed this in a million years but it looks like the problem might be due to the language setting in your browser. (something until 10 minutes ago I didn’t even know existed…). Check this article out and see if it solves the problem
I’d picked up on a similar article earlier and tried what it asked. I’m going to go through this article in the morning (logged off the work laptop now) and see if this article adds anything I missed.
Unfortunately we only have access to Edge, Chrome is available but I need to download an extension for Power BI to work and IT have blocked that. Friday Fun
Went through the language steps in that article that was posted by @BrianJ - The slicer is from my disconnected date slicer which you helped me with recently, I’m not sure if that is useful info or not.
I will try to investigate this a bit more later today. Thanks again for the help.
So it turns out that this is a historical issue, I’m told, due to our licences being created in the US, or as US Licences, that certain filters like my on page slicer will default to US date format as a result.
I’m unsure if this is solvable or not. I’ll leave this post up for today and will post as solved if there is no further actions I can take.
Would be interested to hear peoples opinions on this.
If you can post your PBIX file, I would be interested to play with it, since I’m in a similar situation – in the US, but tenant hosted in New Zealand. Would be curious to see if the problems replicate when I try to publish to the service.
The interesting thing is that I’ve never run into this problem before, despite the fact that I use mm/dd/yyyyy and New Zealand date format is dd/mm/yyyy.
This one is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, rolled in a chimichanga…