Data Visualization Workout 002 - Contractor's Profit Analysis

Awesome stuff @I.Park

Your tutorial and guidance on how to create this visualization from the scratch is just amazing. So well presented! Actually there is nothing to add, as your replica looks like a mirror in compare to origin version.

Thank you for participation!!


Congratulation @powerunit !
It looks fantastic! I like all of the aspects around your entry - use of field parameters, conditional formatting, custom legend, additional bookmark etc. Great work…!
The only minor thing that I would perhaps recommend is to apply sorting order for “cluster/segment” slicer and custom legend (so. i.e. GM% levels become ordered by values so >=45% would appear at the top, then 25-44%, then 0-24%, then <0%).

Thank you for participation!


So great to see your entry. It’s never too late for this practices!!

Visualization looks awesome - presented in a really clean way! I like everything about this entry!
I additionally appreciate your creativity with “Controls” text within the slicer pane. This is cool!

Thank you for participation!

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@Gustaw These workouts are great, lots of learning, very enjoyable. To think these up, create them, promote them is no small feat so the least I can do is take part, support it & promote it in the community. Really appreciate the feedback.



Thank you, Sir. I tried to solve the sorting slicer but was unsuccessful that day,
so I later built a column for sorting.
then sort segment by new column


@powerunit , sounds great! Did it work?

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Yes That’s work


Here’s my submission for workout 2.
I acknowledge that I encountered some difficulties, mainly with the dynamic legend.
But I really wanted to finish this one before starting WF4.


002 - Workout - Remi MARTINATO.pbix (262.6 KB)



Regarding my submission for this workout, I wasn’t able to make the text clickable next to the toggle button, although I am very happy with the result. Great workout!

002 Workout - Jakub Sokol.pbix (358.3 KB)


Thanks!!! without your help, I might not have been able to do this whole process with the extra table for clustering/segmentation.


Saludos a todos, un poco tarde, les comparto mi presentación de este desafío, el cual me llevo un poco más de tiempo. me he apoyado del video de @I.Park, la entrega de @rhix y finalmente para darle un toque extra, he utilizado la última actualización de formatos dinámicos

Les dejo acceso al .pbix:
Data Visualization Workout 002 - Profitability FranciscoCartes.pbix (208.9 KB)

y acceso al enlace de mi novypro, donde pueden interactuar con el reporte:


Late submission for Workout 002.
A lot of learning and new things came to me from this workout.
Very helpful.! @Gustaw

002 Workout mine.pbix (144.8 KB)


Hi @Remi10
The entry looks perfect and works perfect!

Awesome work!
Thank you for participation!

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Hi @Jakub

Phenomenal entry… and this solution looks actually brilliant! O_O
Never seen anything like that when it comes to buttons / toggls…
Thank you for that lesson.


Thank you for participation!

Hi @rishug2811
This is excellent entry! Lot’s of features and nice personal touch when it comes to the color selection.
Phenomenal work!

Thank you for participation!

Hi Gustaw!

Thank you very much! Full credit for the toggle goes to Bas from “How to PowerBI”. If you want to check out his approach in detail, here is the link to his YouTube video:


Thanks for this workout, @Gustaw. This was not that easy a challenge and had to refer the original files for the conditional formatting part and few other tweaks. Also, the comment section was incredibly helpful to clear many of the doubts.

None the less, here is my submission to the challenge and I was really satisfied when I completed this.

However, I am facing an issue once I publish the report into the workspace. When we select the size as “None”, the markers appear to be very tiny. There seems to be no issue when it is still in the PBI desktop. No matter how much I tried changing the Size to -1,-30,-100, etc I am still facing this. Is this something you had come across anytime.

Link to the file where I am facing this size issue:

MyWorkout 2 - Final.pbix (168.9 KB)


Hi @VMoncy,
I’ve done the workout and have the same issue with Size=‘None’. It seems that is a Power BI glitch.

Hi @Gustaw,
Thank you for your workouts. They are really helpfull. It’s like a bootcamp :slightly_smiling_face:
Here is my later work. This work was a bit complicated. Looked at the final your work after completing mine.
Visualization 2 Contractor Profitability.pbix (409.1 KB)

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Hi @tanstar ,

Thanks for letting me know. Like you said, I guess it should be a Power BI glitch. Hope we come across a solution for the same, in case we go through something similar in future.

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