Hi Team,
I used following measure for Actual Vs Budget with formatting in it.
RLU Act Vs Bud =
VAR Currentitem = SELECTEDVALUE(RLUKeyMeasures[Retirement Living Unit])
CurrentItem = “Occupancy” , FORMAT([RLU Act Occupancy%]-[RLU Bud Occupancy%], “0.0%”),
CurrentItem = “Vacant Units”, FORMAT([RLU Act Vacant Units]-1+[RLU Bud Vacant Units], “0”),
CurrentItem = “Vacant units recurrent charges”, FORMAT([RLU Act Vacant Units Recurrent charges]-1+[RLU Bud Vacant Units Recurrent charges], “0,000”),
I would like to have conditional formatting based on the result. Because it became text, I have to select based on field in conditional formatting.
As per attached highlighted field for variances, how can I add font colour and icon with conditional formatting.
Hi @ammu, we aim to consistently improve the topics being posted on the forum to help you in getting a strong solution faster. While waiting for a response, here are some tips so you can get the most out of the forum and other Enterprise DNA resources.
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Do conditional formatting based on a different column
use the switch to assign a number and then use this value to conditional format. if you have difficulty feel free to load the pbix file and i can do it for you.
You can convert your measure to a number by placing VALUE() Function ahead of FORMAT().
But you cannot convert your % Formatting to a Number since it will show an error stating as follows -
"Cannot covert value XX.XX% of type Text to type Number. I’ve also attached the screenshot of the error shown while converting to it. For others, you can definitely convert the Text to a Number.
RLU Act Vs Bud =
VAR Currentitem = SELECTEDVALUE(RLUKeyMeasures[Retirement Living Unit])
CurrentItem = “Occupancy” , FORMAT([RLU Act Occupancy%]-[RLU Bud Occupancy%], “0.0%”),
CurrentItem = “Vacant Units”, VALUE(FORMAT([RLU Act Vacant Units] -1+[RLU Bud Vacant Units], “0”)),
CurrentItem = “Vacant units recurrent charges”, VALUE(FORMAT([RLU Act Vacant Units Recurrent charges] -1+[RLU Bud Vacant Units Recurrent charges], “0,000”)),
Hoping this can help you to achieve your desired analysis.
Thanks, Harsh.
it really helps me a lot with VALUE.
It is a shame that we cant format %.
I did work around having a reference measures without any formatting for base on field in conditional formatting.