Challenge 24 -"Sport - Football/Soccer Players Summer Transfers Season 2022-23

Hi everyone, this is an entry submitted by Toni Hewlett via email.

Here’s how Toni Hewlett described it:
“This was a super intriguing challenge and my first entry - but I appreciate having the opportunity to contribute. I would have never thought to compose a Power BI report in a slide deck style - so my goal was to replicate the look and feel of a PowerPoint presentation as accurately as possible. I hope you like it.”​

You can view the full report here
Toni Hewlett

Please feel free to give your feedback on his report.


Hi everyone, this is an entry submitted by Ganesh Doifode via email.

Here’s how Ganesh Doifode described it:

“Please see my entry for Challenge 24.I enjoyed working with this dataset and creating this Report.I hope you like it.”​

You can view the full report here
Ganesh Doifode

Please feel free to give your feedback on his report.


Hi everyone, this is an entry submitted by Dan Butler via email.

Here’s how Dan Butler described it:
“Thanks for organizing this challenge, I really enjoyed it. My original plan was to create something like the BBC Sport website, and I’ve tried to keep this idea for the first page, whilst making it feel like an analysis report.”​

You can view the full report here
Dan Butler

Please feel free to give your feedback on his report.


Hi everyone, this is an entry submitted by Anibal Ceballos via email.

Here’s how Anibal Ceballos described it:
“Thanks for organizing this challenge, I really enjoyed it. I hope you like it.”​

You can view the full report here
Anibal Ceballos

Please feel free to give your feedback on his report.


Hi everyone, this is an entry submitted by Sunil Mathew via email.

Here’s how Sunil Mathew described it:
“I, initially, wanted to skip this challenge since I know nothing about Soccer and transfers. I somehow wanted to challenge myself and complete it before deadline. Creating a slide deck for this month was quite interesting approach which I can use it for my future reports. I tried to limit the number of visuals since its for presentation. I have used tooltips and bookmarks to drill down for further analysis.”​

You can view the full report here
Sunil Mathew

Please feel free to give your feedback on his report.


Hi everyone, this is an entry submitted by Wojciech Pabich via email.

Here’s how Wojciech Pabich described it:
“Please see my entry for Challenge 24. I really enjoyed working with this dataset. I hope you like it.”​


You can view the full report here
Wojciech Pabich

Please feel free to give your feedback on his report.


Dear All,

First of all - big thanks to @FPastor and EDNA Team for another challenge and… to all participants. I’m really amazed how far you have been pushing the bariers with each entry. So many marvelous reports…Bravo…

Here is my entry.
I’ll be posting more about this challenge in nearby future (probably through linkedin, as always).
Briefly speaking, I’ve tried to use 3-module report: presentation deck - which include some explanations for requested questions, then additional insights (it could be enriched, but now it’s limited to one additional analysis per inter/external transfers), and finally: team simulation.

Presentation deck include 3 main sections:
Age analysis - through scatter chart / table and a few supplemental standard charts
Positions - through field simulation (scatter chart) and lots of visual that brings interactivity
MV & FEES - those are already addressed in previous sections as well, but it’s just an additional view with geo-localization (other sections are more relevant though).

Final page is the simulation of 11 team. I took an approach to base on dynamic measure (either market value or players fee), brings only top 1 players for each respective field position, and dynamically show them on the field, basing on the filter context (ranges / filters).
Additional tables take all that information about “dream team” and break it down with details by position / metrics / transfer characteristics.

I’m not the soccer expert, so I would really appreciate to not be upset when you notice that some players might be left or right-dominant and there are placed on the other side of the field, or if some club logos and faces will be off (it might happen, but I’ve really tried to limit such situations!) :smiley:

Greetings to everyone!


Gustaw, as always. mind blowlingly good!


Greetings to all participants and followers of Enterprise DNA Challenges! :person_raising_hand:t3:

:trophy: We are excited to reveal the winners of Enterprise DNA Challenge 24: Sport - Football/Soccer Players Summer Transfers Season 2022-23 :trophy:

Without further ado, the winners of this month are:

Experts & Previous Challenge Winner

:1st_place_medal: Federico Pastor :1st_place_medal:

:trophy: Expert Winner badge
:trophy: Amazon Gift Voucher worth $50
:bar_chart: Display of Report into the EDNA Showcases

Platform Subscribers Winner and Best Report Write up

:1st_place_medal: Michal Ozimek :1st_place_medal:

:trophy: Challenge Winner badge
:trophy: Amazon Gift Voucher worth $50
:bar_chart: Display of Reports into the EDNA Showcases

Non-Member Winner

:1st_place_medal: Rico Balibalita :1st_place_medal:

:trophy: Challenge Winner Certificate
:trophy: 1 Year Enterprise DNA on Demand Subscription
:bar_chart: Display of Report into the EDNA Showcases

Out of the Box Thinker Winner

:1st_place_medal: Sidy A Ndiaye :1st_place_medal:

:trophy: Challenge Winner Certificate
:trophy: 1 Year Enterprise DNA on Demand Subscription
:bar_chart: Display of Report into the EDNA Showcases

Creative Head Winner

:1st_place_medal: Dan Butler :1st_place_medal:

:trophy: Challenge Winner Certificate
:trophy: 1 Year Enterprise DNA on Demand Subscription
:bar_chart: Display of Report into the EDNA Showcases

It has been incredible to see the Enterprise DNA On-Demand subscribers and Challenges Group members come together, learn, and create amazing reports during this month’s challenge.

And finally, we are grateful to the Enterprise DNA Challenges Group’s “Community Lead Team” for their guidance and support throughout Challenge 24.

We are looking forward to providing you with new and exciting challenges in the coming year. See you all in 2023!


@Gustaw Your attention to detail and thoroughness is impressive :clap:

@FPastor I am new here and apologies for the naive question. Is this report available to download? would it be in on-demand under showcases?

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Hi @AdamK,

Yes, the reports are available for download (subscribers only) on On Demand.

You’ll find it on your Dashboard, under Resource Center select Showcase.
Click Add to my Collection the report you would like to download.
Locate the selected report on your My Showcase Tab and Click Download.

I hope this guide helped you.

Should there be concerns, do not hesitate to inform us.
Thank you!

Hi @EnterpriseDNA ,

I have followed your guidance, but still unable to see the report. Is there any lag between what’s on the showcase page and what’s on the challenges? how do I know that I am a (subscriber)?


Hi @AdamK,

If you are looking for the latest PBIX Files, please scroll down up to the end.
The PBIX files are arranged based on the date they are uploaded and the most recent ones are found at the bottom.

Should there be concerns, do not hesitate to inform us.
Thank you!

Hi @EnterpriseDNA,

I can see all of the PBIX files, apart from this report. That’s what I have been trying to say. If you have a direct link, can you please share it? Thanks for your help.

Hi @AdamK,

Apologies for the confusion, You can now find Gustaw’s PBIX File on the Showcase.

Thank you

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