Builds 19 - Call Centres Data Reporting


Yeppppp, he made it. Welcome to Challenge 19.

Really good entry!!



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Welcome to Challenge 19 and thanks for participating.

Excellent entry, beautiful color palette.



Amazing entries out there! A lot of different designs, styles and techniques, all of them really interesting!


Wow, just wow! Astonishing report @Gustaw .

The design is awesome (as always) and the functionalities available are simply terrific


Here’s the entry from one of our non-member participants, Amardeep.

Here’s the link to the report:


Here’s the entry from one of our non-member participants, Athi.

Here’s the link to the report:


Here’s the entry from one of our non-member participants, Awwal.


Here’s the entry from one of our non-member participants, Juan.


Here’s the entry from one of our non-member participants, Mohammad.

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@BernatDuran This is some great work. Apart from all the analysis and 3D visual, what I like the most is the animated icons. Really a nice way to get the attraction of the audience. We would love to hear about how you made the animated icons infact the whole report :grin:

Amazing work !!!


Here is my entry for Challenge #19 which I submitted on time yesterday.

My biggest challenge to overcome has been spending time on this whilst travelling around USA on holidays. Due to being time challenged, I kept the report pretty basic and didn’t try anything new. I am still working on my story telling skills and found it difficult to make a story around this dataset.

Overall, I am happy to finish the challenge and I enjoyed seeing all the amazing entries this round. It has been fun being part of the ambassador group and working with @Shanmathee.S, @kiri00, @solar and @FPastor

The report link:


Nice, simple and effective this report, well done

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Big fan of your in-depth insights Brian. Bringing a level of analytics to the challenge that’s I don’t think anyone else has done. Awesome stuff


Just a phenomenally amazing report Gustaw.

You are an absolute guru.


Awesome report @Gustaw !! Simply brilliant


Thank you for your comment @MudassirAli , appreciate the words!

I struggle with the icons theme quite a bit, to be honest. First of all I had to decide the main colour. To decide that, I used my two favourite webpages to do that:

Once the main colour was decided, I had to choose the main icons. The hardest problem out there has been finding a webpage that allows you to download personalized coloured GIFs.

Lordicon web allows that:

The next step was to download both format files: PNG and GIF. The idea is to set up the PNG file on the button by default and set up the GIF when you hover the button, that’s all!

Hope you find this information useful.

Thanks again!


@KimC I love your report very very much !

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@jafernandezpuga ,

One of the pleasures of having participated in the eDNA Challenges since the first one is that I have a whole mental catalog of “WHOA! WHO IS THAT?!?!” moments when I first saw reports from people such as @alexbadiu , @MudassirAli , @sedhosen , @Gustaw and others that just knocked my socks off.

I’m definitely adding this report to that list. Wow! - SO much I really like about this report. Great use of color, smooth navigation, excellent use of tooltips, great choice of visuals, use of some very cool techniques like the bookmarks navigator linked to the scatter chart, really nice popout report filter panel and even some stuff I’ve never seen used in our Challenges before, such as the PureViz custom viz for animation.

I can immediately tell that you put a ton of time and thought into this entry and it really paid off. Just a fantastic submission all-around, and on top of that a terrific writeup. Thanks so much for your participation and again, WOW!

  • Brian

Hi @BrianJ,
Thank you very much for your words, they really moved me and give me great hope to continue learning from all of you in this magnificent community.
The last thing I added to this report was the use of Smart Narratives and it was what cost me the most, at first I didn’t get along with editing the Text Boxes but with practice I hope to improve.



@jafernandezpuga - regarding the smart narratives - it took me quite some time to figure them out. But after a lot of practice, they are quickly becoming my go to. And you’ll find that it’ll take no time to put them together. And love the use of the various custom visuals!