(Blank) gets added in Slicer


I have created slicer - FY, to filter the visuals in Power BI.
I have perfect date table setup. I don’t know why I am getting (Blank) in the slicer. How to get rid of the (Blanks) in slicer.


I have added the Power BI model along with this.

ProdPerformance.pbix (1.5 MB)

Hi Krishna,

I have had the same issue in the past. What I would do is to drag your FY column to the page level filters. Then, you should select all and while pressing control in your keyboard, uncheck the blank option.

I hope this can help :wink:



Yes Lucia - Your idea is working.

Many Thanks.

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Is a pleasure for me being able to help others !



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That’s great. Thanks yes this is how I would fix it quickly also.

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Another option is to go into advanced filtering and select “is not blank”. Is Not Blank

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