Average of Summed Values

Questions.pbix (1.1 MB) I know this probably a relatively easy question. Here is the question and the .PBIX data…

In which Region do all Product Categories fall beneath the overall average profit? I know the answer
Average Profit Per Region/Category = 109,370.20

Is this there a better way than this…

-Profit for all Regions and Categories
All Profit = CALCULATE([Total Profit], ALLSELECTED(orders))

–Number of distinct combinations of Region & Product Category
distinct count = COUNTROWS(groupby(orders,Orders[Region],Orders[Product Category]))

All Categories = CALCULATE([distinct count], ALLSELECTED(orders))

-Average Profit =
All Orders Average Profit = DIVIDE([All Profit],[All Categories],0)

Hi @mbraun, we aim to consistently improve the topics being posted on the forum to help you in getting a strong solution faster. While waiting for a response, here are some tips so you can get the most out of the forum and other Enterprise DNA resources.

  • Use the forum search to discover if your query has been asked before by another member.
  • When posting a topic with formula make sure that it is correctly formatted to preformatted text </>.
  • Use the proper category that best describes your topic
  • Provide as much context to a question as possible.
  • Include the masked demo pbix file, images of the entire scenario you are dealing with, screenshot of the data model, details of how you want to visualize a result, and any other supporting links and details.

I also suggest that you check the forum guideline How To Use The Enterprise DNA Support Forum. Not adhering to it may sometimes cause delay in getting an answer.

Please also check the How To Mask Sensitive Data thread for some tips on how to mask your pbix file.

  1. The data in this PBIX does not need to be masked.
  2. Isn’t this a DAX calculation issue?
  3. Is there something that I am doing wrong? I have had Enterprise DNA post that general notice before.

Hello @mbraun, due to the length by which this post has been active, we are tagging it as Solved. For further questions related to this post, please make a new thread. When starting a new post, I suggest linking this thread, provide as much context to a question as possible and include the masked demo pbix file, images of the entire scenario you are dealing with, screenshot of the data model, details of how you want to visualize a result, and any other supporting links and details. Thanks!

Not solved. No one answer the question yet. I only got a response about posting in the Enterprise DNA forum.

Hi @mbraun,

Thanks for posting sample file. Can you please specify what is wrong with your calculation or what do you want to achieve?

Kind Regards,

Trying to see if there is a better way to accomplish this a better way.

Hi @mbraun! We noticed that your inquiry was left unsolved for quite some time now. We strive to answer ALL inquiries in the forum.

However, if you are sure that you provided all pertinent context to your concerns and read how to use the forum more effectively and still find your question unanswered, you can check out tutorials to learn this yourself as your membership also comes with relevant resources that may help you with your Power BI education.

While our users and experts do as much as reasonable to help you with your inquiries, not all concerns can be attended to especially if there are some learnings to be done. Thank you!

Unfortunately it was not answered yet. Not a big deal was trying to see if there was a better way then the path that I went down.