YTD Measure not working correctly:

I have used TotalYTD function in the past with no problem. But in this use-case, it is not working as expected. Simplified data model with the issue has been attached. For Q4 2024, the value should be $26,600 (not $20,800). Thanks in advance!

Data Model _ simplified.pbix (102.4 KB)
Actuals dataset.xlsx (23.6 KB)
Budget dataset.xlsx (24.0 KB)

Hi @mdalton2100 ,

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Enterprise DNA Support Team

Hi @mdalton2100 - Not sure why TotalYTD is not working maybe related to some context but below is working. So, you can use it.

Forecast (YTD)_New = CALCULATE(sumx(values(‘Date logic’[Fiscal Month]),[Forecast]),DATESYTD(‘Date logic’[Fiscal Month],“09/30”))

Ankit J


Thanks, works beautifully in my regular dataset. I’ll have to think why TotalYTD seems to fall apart in this scenario, but oh well.