I need help because I’m stuck in a calculation that seems to be simple but I can not find the solution
I have 2 tables (Actual Expenses and Budget) related to a date table and one with accounting codes, but not related to each other
My problem is this:
I want to show the YTD Budget but not selecting any month.
In the case of Actual Expenses, I can present Actual YTD without any difficulty, but in the case of the Budget, it always presents the total of the year.
Is there a simple process for the YTD Budget to be for the same period of the Actual Expenses?
But I only can get the results for the actual expense, does not apply to the budget, and I do not understand why.
In your example, is more or less the same, it work only for the Cumulative Totals, but not for the Cumulative Budget, as I understood, or I’m not correct?