Workouts & Challenges top participants makeover

Hi everyone!

It would be really helpful for EDNA members to have available the makeover recording or documented steps used by top participants on Workouts & Challenges to produce their final submissions.

This would help a lot to users not so much experienced (like me) better comprehend the techniques used and gain more confidence in aiming to participate in these great exercises.



Hi @SamSPAIN ,

Thanks for your great suggestion! The decision to share techniques and steps lies with our top participants, but we see where you’re coming from and appreciate your eagerness to learn.

For a deep dive, the Edna Learn platform is packed with courses to explore. Don’t forget about Data Mentor for tailored queries and advice. Also, our community is a fantastic place to connect and ask direct questions to those who’ve been in the Workouts ring.

Happy learning, and we can’t wait to see your contributions!


Enterprise DNA Support Team