Why is one measure behaving differently to similar ones on the same table?

I am confused by a situation I have found whereby two measures from a fact table are calculating correctly, but a third is not. They all have the same logic. If I need to create a pbix to demo it I will but let me try and explain with the scenario and some code.

I have a fact table FactSales, with a date ID, ProductID, and numerical values for Sale Amount (£), Margin (£) and Sales Units. I have a date table with DateID and Week Start Date ID and the other usual helpful stuff.

In this test case the date is selected to one date using a hierarchy slicer.

My base measures are defined:

Sales Units = SUM(FactSales[Sale Quantity])

Margin Actual £ = SUM (FactSales[Margin])

Sale Amount Gross £ = SUM(FactSales[Sale Amount Gross])

And the measures built from them are:

Gross Sales Actual LW £ =
VAR _LastFullWeek = [Last Full Week Start Date ID]
CALCULATE([Sale Amount Gross £], FILTER(ALL(dimension_Date), dimension_Date[Week Commencing Date Id] = _LastFullWeek))

MarginActual LW £ =
VAR _LastFullWeek = [Last Full Week Start Date ID]
CALCULATE([Margin Actual £], FILTER(ALL(dimension_Date), dimension_Date[Week Commencing Date Id] = _LastFullWeek))

Sales Units LW =
VAR _LastFullWeek = [Last Full Week Start Date ID]
CALCULATE([Sales Units], FILTER(ALL(dimension_Date), dimension_Date[Week Commencing Date Id] = _LastFullWeek))

The measure [Last Full Week Start Date ID] is defined:

[Last Full Week Start Date ID] = MIN (dimension_Date[Week Commencing Date Id) - 7

What I am seeing is that the measures for Margin and Gross Sales correctly calculate the values for sales and margin last week. But the Sales Quantity is giving me a value that happens to be the quantity sold on the the selected date. What am I doing wrong here?

@Jamie That’s strange maybe others as well are not calculating correctly, Power BI will definitely help here.

I would agree however I have tested the source data in SQL, and analyze in Excel in PBI. You’re right tho, I think I need to get a demo set up!

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