What Power Bi Timeline Visual Is this?

I’m trying to locate a visual I can use to measure the time between various procurement steps. In searching Google, I’ve come across the attached visual, which I really like. Does anyone know what this is or how it could be replicated inside Power Bi?

Thank you,

@msedlak ,

You could replicate something very similar with the QueryOn Annotated Bar custom visual:

If you wanted to go a little fancier, you could use the Kaban style option of the QueryOn Timeline custom visual:

I’m a big fan of the QueryOn visuals, and did a video a while back on QueryOn Timeline.

I hope this is helpful.

  • Brian

@msedlak PowerPoint!?

@AntrikshSharma ,

That’s a very cool idea that I’ve never done before - you could basically set that up like a SmartNarrative-type templace and just populate the blank spaces btw the green dots with dynamic measures.

Sort of an easy “roll your own” custom visual. :+1:

  • Brian
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Thank you @BrianJ and thank you @AntrikshSharma

PowerPoint is a great idea.

If I understand, I could make a template inside PowerPoint, then add it as an image into Power BI, then create measures using the card visual that would overlay into the PowerPoint picture?


@AntrikshSharma PowerPoint it is

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@msedlak ,
