Hi All.
I’m embarking for the first time on the use of the various INFO tables/views exposed by Power BI and am looking for some assistance.
For example, when entering EVALUATE INFO.ANNOTATIONS() in DAX Query View, a table of (in my sample PBIX) 147 rows with 6 columns each is returned. In that table, I can get a single record of interest:
VAR _BaseTable =
"ID", [ID],
"Name", [Name],
"Value", [Value]
"Junk", 999
VAR _FilteredTable =
[Name] = "__PBI_TimeIntelligenceEnabled"
What I’m looking to do, however, is to just retrieve a single field (in this case, the [Value] column from this record.
I’m guessing this is probably quite easy, but I just can’t find the right DAX syntax (my DAX skills have diminished a bit in the past couple of years while I’ve been concentrating on Deneb/Vega-Lite, so my apologies in advance).
Does anyone know the syntax to retrieve just the single field?
P.S.: From what I see on first glance, the record with [Name]=“__PBI_TimeIntelligenceEnabled” ([ID]=476) holds a [Value] of 1 or 0 depending on whether the [Options \ Current File \ Data Load \ Time Intelligence \ Auto date/time] option is enabled for the current file.