I am trying to multiply a what if parameters but I am struggling to define the correct context.
In my case, we an incentive program which provides 3 different rebates. Rebate 2 & 3 are already determined but rebate 1 is the difference between Total incentives - rebate 2 and 3. While total incentives is a dynamic function depending on the net profit.
In my model, Rebate 1 calculation does not apply correctly to all the customer. My context is probably wrong but I am unable to use the correct filters to get the “rebate 1 %” applied to all customers.
I don’t understand the problem you are encountering.
I verified your formula and the results and I’ve not found something wrong.
When I see all the results in the table, it seems ok.
So I think I didn’t understand your problem well…
Can you please try to explain it again ?
And maybe you could give the results you are waiting for.
Sorry if I wasn’t clear. Considering a net profit of 3380, “% of rebate 1”, should be set at 35%, this is calculated with the “Rebate 1 %” measure. This % applies to all customer for rebate 1.
In the table you sent, the rebate 1 % is set at 97% for customer 1 because the calculation is considering 1311.50 as rebate 1 total whereas I only need the 35% to be multiplied by the annual revenue.
I would like to filter the 35% result and apply it to every single line item.
I’ve changed the formula for Rebate 1 % in order to have 35% for each customer.
I’ve only changed the context of the calculation by adding a “ALL” function for the customers name.
I managed to understand why there is a problem.
You need to change the Rebate 1% like that :
I’ve changed the ALL( Data[ Customer Name] ) with ALL( Data ).
In that way, you can add on your table all the Data columns you want and the result will not change.
Nonetheless, the best practice is to always create measures to show data numbers on tables and not use the data directly.
So I’ve created a Total Annual Revenue measure
And another one about allowance
Then I’ve changed the measure Rebate 1 value just to use the Total Annual Revenue I’ve created
With all the changes have made, the formulas seem to work.
Here is the result :
Thank you so much. It is working very well and thank you for the tips regarding the best practice, i will try to apply this on other measures that I do have on my side.
It is somewhat amazing that the solution was so easy - meaning applying ALL (DATA) -instead of the first solution - but I struggled so much with this.
Thanks again for your assistance - this is best valuable assistance.
Best regards