Week day starting on Sunday and not on Monday

Hello Folks,

I am running some weekly analysis in PowerBi and I am using the extended date table that Melissa created for everybody here.
In that table the default week goes from Monday to Sunday.
I would need to change that so my week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.
I have tried a bunch of trials and errors here but nothing works.
How can I still use that extended date table but moving the beginning and the end of my week?
Many thanks as always

Hi @cassarodiego2

If you find the part in the code that inserts the Day of Week Number and change the Day.Monday part to Day.Sunday, that will do it:

It’s worth keeping in mind there are other fields referencing when the start of the week is, such as the WeekCompleted column above the highlighted part on the screenshot. So it may be worth combing through and finding other Day.Monday references and deciding if you need to change them to Day.Sunday.


Hi Jamie,

Thanks a lot!!

It worked perfectly.
Just for the broader community here (in case somebody else is interested), just changing day.sunday in the day of week number is not enough: to make it work, I had to replace it everywhere in the code.

Thanks again and shout out for this awesome community!!! :ok_hand:

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