Webinar Series location


I’ve been using the Webinar Series in the old view but can’t seem to locate those topics in the new view. I need help please. I understand the old view won’t be supported at the end of September.

Hi @danielt,
Here is the new platform video that Sam did today on youtube.

Here is the new login website
When I first logged onto the new webiste, I had to create a new password but its same username

I looked back to the old website and typed in some of the titles courses in the webinar series location (courses)
They are under Virtual Events - webinar tab

I hope this help.

Hi @danielt, you can access the webinars on On-Demand by going to Virtual Events > Webinars in your dashboard. Please see video below:


If it is your first time to login to On-Demand, please email contactus@enterprisedna.co for the password.

Enterprise DNA Team