Waterfall Chart

Hello, can someone help me how do i correctly replicate attached waterfall in Power BI. Attached is the snip of my sample data .

Waterfall Problem.xlsx (14.9 KB)

Thank you in advance

Did you do a search in the forum or on youtube? there are videos on youtube on how to created them.

Please upload your powerbi file so people in the forum can help you will you are having a problem.



When I run into problems like this, my first step is almost always to search the Enterprise DNA forum. A search on “waterfall” (click link below) returns a myriad of results, many of them solutions with PBIX files illustrating the approach attached.


I’m confident that a quick run through those should provide you all the info you need to adapt your Excel analysis into a Power BI waterfall chart. However, if you run into problems, @Keith is absolutely right that posting a work in progress PBIX file will help us pinpoint your problem, and provide you specific support to help resolve it.

I hope that’s helpful.

– Brian

Thank you @Keith for your reply, unfortunately i cant share you the pbi file as the datasets i have are currently confidential that is why i share a theoretical datasets only.

@andrew0101…Providing the power bi file using the video that @BrianJ will help you change your confidential information into the data that you can share with the people of the community.

@BrianJ can you provide that video to @andrew0101. I can’t find it right off hand.

How To Mask Sensitive Data In Power BI - YouTube

Hi @andrew101, we’ve noticed that no response has been received from you since the 25th of April.

As mentioned by the experts and users above, we are waiting for the masked demo pbix file so they can help you further with your inquiry. Kindly check out the response from @Greg above so you can mask the sensitive information from your PBIX.

Please note that in case there won’t be any activity from you in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved.