Visuals different in webpage view to desktop

Not sure if some update has taken place but overnight I have noticed something odd. I have slicers in my data model and on the desktop version when I select an option it changes to black as in the picture.

When I publish however and users view online the selected option keeps the same background colour but the font changes to white instead.

This isn’t the end of the world but I do prefer the desktop view and its a pain having to explain to multiple users that things have changed - any ideas?

That’s certainly not ideal. I haven’t heard anything. I would hope that this is solved if it’s a persistent issue.

This is currently with Microsoft - it has been recognised as an issue with horizontal slicers and they will update me when it is resolved.

I will drop an update here when I hear something back.

Interesting, thanks for sharing.

I had this same issus. When viewers clicked on specific slices it would not change colour in the cloud
Thanks for shaing this. Now it makes sense why.


This issue has now been fixed by Microsoft - you should now see the slicers in the online service appearing the same as the desktop site.

That’s great thanks for the update