Hello @Stuart,
Since your you’ve changed your Number format to the Text format by wrapping it under the “FORMAT()” function it is no longer under the number format because although on the screen it’s seen as % it’s actually converted into the text because the Format of % is mentioned under quotes and anything mentioned under the quotes is regarded as text format.
And please note also you cannot mention it as shown below by removing the quotes -
VAR RemainderPerc = FORMAT(DIVIDE([CY.] - [LY.] , [LY.]) , 0.0%)
It will simply show the error because any symbol is being considered as text so there’s no other alternative.
Sam has also said in one of the video of Learning Summit Series of Financial Reporting that once you apply your formula with the FORMAT() logic it is converted into the text. He mentioned this when one of the member asked the question on the live video chat.
Thanks & Warm Regards,