Useful grey header on visuals


I have a very simple question re visual header. Something very minor but always annoys me - I struggle to drag and move visuals.

I’ve been watching Sam’s videos for a while - he used to drag things around by using the three little dots that appear on top right of every visual when you hover. I just watched Sam’s video for the summit. I noticed he has a very useful grey header bar on all his visuals! See attached photo.

I then spent the next hour googling and playing around my settings, including themes - but I cannot recreate this! Any one knows the trick?

Many thanks,

Hi @D22. To activate, just unselect the option for modern visual header (this is a per-report setting).


Awesome - got it!!! Thanks Greg!!! :kissing_heart:

Just a word of warning to anyone interested in turning this feature on. I’ve been experiencing issues with Grouping since I turn this on - as in all Groups become un-group when I reopen the file! See pics

This was my first proper attempt to create those cool bookmarks, immersive single page experience for users…did a lot of groupings, many bookmarks…Suffice to say, there were a lot of tears before it hit me what caused it. :sob:

Another word of advice - back up your files before changing settings! Rookie error - but hey ho, we live, we learn.