Continuing the discussion from Historical Sales and Current Forecast - Past and Future Dates:
@BrianJ , is there a way to solve this using DAX by manipulating the filters? From my understanding using the ISAFTER logic in the date table requires you to place a filter on the visual or page. In my circumstance I want to be able to look at Actuals say 24 months back from the previous month, we are in December 2021 so that would be from November 2021 back 24 months. This would exclude any future orders. This would be one measure. We would also want to look at the future forecast out 24 months from the current month (so from December 2021 and forward). This would exclude any historical forecast that might come in. This would be the second measure. All of this would need to be dynamic as well as the month changes this would update. I am looking for the flexibility to have the visual show the range of 24 months back and 24 months forward for each of these two measures in the same visual.